
Gemini - Snake

The double sign of the zodiac Gemini - Snake

Qui si tratta di un egocentrico che riflette molto accuratamente. La testuggine del Snake riesce ad incanalare l'energia dei Gemini nella giusta direzione. Questo doppio segno riesce a fare carriera molto in fretta. Esso è capace di sedurre qualsiasi altro.

It is a super charming being with the double face of Gemini and the desire to intrigue from the Snake!

In his profession this double sign is capable of creeping up very quickly. Patience and a sense of reality of the Snake along with the imagination and eloquence of Gemini makes a career very quickly to this dual sign.

Looking for a partner presentable well dressed, that come out 2-3 times a week in the evening. And always be careful towards the competition, you never know, since the snake is able to seduce any being Gemini and we are very happy to play. The bedroom is of normal importance.

Prominent people VIP Gemini-Snake:
John F. Kennedy 29.05.1917

The Gemini  May 21 - June 21

The powerful of the gemini is the communication, curiosity and quick thoughts. Eloquent, elusive and contradictory. The Gemini would always make a lot of things simultaneously, are always too many things at once. Especially the young Geminis are restless and always on the go. Each week a new goal.
Like all air signs, the twins love luxury, and good behavior. They hate the pointless violence.
Gemini is able, the next morning, to change their ideas and lifestyle, because their intelligence always try something new, and so are able to make an unexpected turn of 180 °.
They are diplomatic, tolerant and freedom-loving. They are not ready to submit, but even to subdue. They were born individualists.
Geminis did not say what they think, because their thoughts are subject to an absolute privacy. Will always say what you want to hear.
Geminis are part of the most irrational and misunderstood persons. Without the brilliance, irrationality and imagination of the gemini, our world would be a gray and gloomy planet.

How to conquer the Gemini man:
The man born under the sign of Gemini you can win only with intelligence, communication and let live. And all this only for a short period. You have to talk intelligently and behave like a lady, then you have a little luck.

How to conquer the Gemini woman:
Yet the woman born under the sign of Gemini you can win with intelligence and communication, but above all with impeccable behavior of gentleman. Forget the final conquest of the woman of the gemini. There will never let her enter the virtual world.

The Snake

It is a Chinese zodiac sign, with a strong will. A being from the deep thoughts, feelings, astute and mysterious. Give much importance to his presence, that has to be impeccable. Especially the snake women are always well dressed and sexy and often face the hairdresser. Snakes usually have their own opinion adamant. The snake is vindictive.
This sign tends to overstimate. But it is also an intriguing seductive. For a woman snake men often can not resist. The snake woman knows she is superior to any male, and so do not ask many questions on equal rights.
The snake man always earns a lot of money and into company has a strong influence.
The snake has a forked tongue. It is capable of philosophizing. It is not very diligent at work but is able to make others work for themselves. So always reach its goal.

How to conquer the Snake man:
To conquer the snake man dress up classic, stylish and sexy. You need to be very attractive but without falling in the primitive. Do not say yes right away. Give yourself the time to let yourself be seduced. The snake man strongly believes in his abilities as a seducer. Let this belief. Even later.

How to conquer the Snake woman:
To conquer the snake woman you need to impeccable clothes. Invite her in an exclusive place. But never, ever in a restaurant a few coins, or even in a shop for snacks. It wants the luxury and a man with a good regular income. If you can invite her to your apartment, make sure that this is in order and clean. Let possibly somewhere a saving book well endowed you can not see right away. The snake woman has the 6th sense to find it and check it .......

Snake - Gemini - Astrology