
Virgo - Tiger

The double sign of the zodiac Virgo - Tiger

2 hearts in the same breast that do not understand at all. Sometimes the subject is hard to understand him. It is a Tiger domesticated or a Virgo which runs some risk. There will be no obstacles that could hinder their career. Gradually there makes its way to the top. The colleagues not love it because they can not understand how such a person so reserved can make a career. But the perspicacity of the Virgo-Tiger in business that makes indestructible this double sign.

The Tiger willingly traveling third class and spend the night in hotels without stars. Not luxury but the trips are important.

The Virgo hurts to lose money. But the Tiger forget the losses quickly so they can concentrate immediately on new business. The look is always directed to the distant future.

Only with the wedding you never know. Until you have found the right partner could spend a lot of time and find yourself in the forties ......

A passionate partner it is not in great demand. Maybe you should be a little frugal and then everything will go smoothly. Nevertheless the female partner of the Tiger-Virgo will be part of the travel comfy but of course always cheap. The bedroom is of normal importance.

Prominent people VIP Virgo-Tiger:
Kamui Kobayashi 13.09.1986

The Virgo  Augusdt 23 - September 22

The most significant positive adjectives for the Virgin are: concrete, effective, hardworking, conscientious accurate, forward-looking, reliable, trustworthy, responsible and the like. The Virgin possess a realistic and judgment is always with feet and head on the ground.
The negative adjectives are stingy, too scrupulous, pessimistic and a bit cold.
The money it handles like no other. They do not put all their savings on the same bank, because they do not trust. The Virgo want the facts on the table, no clues. As parents are very conscientious and responsible.

The work and life are not games. You have to take everything seriously. Among the unmarried men and unmarried women the Virgin is in first place in the standings, because a spouse may be too expensive. I am very conservative and reflect a long time.

How to conquer the Virgin male:
To conquer the Virgo man needs a lot of patience. Invite him a couple of times with you at lunch made at home. Show them that you are capable of putting on the table a great lunch without being spendthrifts. And Attention: Do not say yes right the first time. Otherwise they no longer trust of your seriousness. Except if you know it for a long time of course. Maybe you come a little closer the second time and the third or fourth time the conquered altogether.

How to conquer the Virgin female:
To gain the Virgo woman need a lot of patience. Invite her the first time in a classic setting (restaurant, opera or theater). The second time, maybe to the movies, but not in a violent action movie. Pure nightclub you can skip it, unless it is a classic ballroom. Getting closer each time and show them that you are interested in a long relationship.

The Tiger

The Tiger is undisciplined and risks willingly. An unpredictable idealist. Always in blujeans. Globetrotter unabated. Does not care about the formalities. Very sociable. In what he wants to do is very determined, rather undecided about what she does not care much. Love freedom more than anything. Goes crazy if locked in the house. The tiger is incorrigible optimist. He is not afraid of anything and is very determined.
The Tigers are getting what they want to do. Even if they are half dead on the ground, and trampled stunned, then get up and continue the road that they wanted to take.

It is a leader, stubborn but you can criticize whenever you want. Accept criticism.
It also gives to a stranger his last shirt. The material assets and the money is not very interested at this individualist.
In hunting and in disputes the tiger is unpredictable and can not be calculated. This is its real strong.
Warning: The tiger you can jump him from behind a bush. There, where no one would have expected. And if the tiger is seriously injured, then retreats into the jungle to lick his wounds. And when everyone believes that now is dead and eaten by worms, then jump you upon unexpectedly.

How to conquer the Tiger man:
Here you can serve very lovingly tease the Tiger man. Provoking a little the Tiger man, can be useful. Invite him to the next snack-bar. There, standing at the table, you can get a little closer.

How to conquer the Tiger woman:
The woman Tiger you can expect to picnic on top of the highest mountain in your region. Or behind a waterfall of a river. Even a trip in a rowing boat would not hurt. But do not forget to bring back some good sandwiches and mineral water. And provoking she a little with great affection. But everything has its limit. Do not provoke the woman tiger too, because this, when he's had enough of you is able to jump out of an airplane without a parachute, or diving into the water and swim to shore.

Tiger-Virgo - Astrology