
Yearly horoscope for

The year of the HORSE 2014

31 Jan 2014 - 18 Feb 2015

2013 <-- -1 year    -    year +1 --> 2015


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2014 year of the horse 2014 predictions

The Rat

dates of birth:
5 February 1924 - 24 January 1925
24 January 1936 - 10 February 1937
10 February 1948 - 28 January 1949
28 January 1960 - 14 February 1961
15 February 1972 - 2 February 1973
2 February 1984 - 19 February 1985
19 February 1996 - 6 February 1997
7 February 2008 - 25 January 2009

In general:

Love life, marriage and relationship:

Career and activities:

Popularity and
your social circle:


Predictions for the year of the horse 2014. This year can be considered mediocre to good for the Rat. Man & woman, born in the year of the rat will have a regular year.

In the love life there will be no a lot of movement or changes. It's are a calm year.

In the workplace and in the activities we will be successful. The few defeats will be forget quickly.

In your own social circle this double sign is often viewed positively.

For the health will be a poor year up to good. The diseases subsistent could eventually end.

A good piece of advice for the Rat:

Concentrate you itself up your target. Do not try it to achieve at all costs.
This year is no good enough to achieve each target.

The Ox

dates of birth:
25 January 1925 - 2 February 1926
11 February 1937 - 30 January 1938
29 January 1949 - 16 February 1950
15 February 1961 - 4 February 1962
3 February 1973 - 22 January 1974
20 February 1985 - 8 February 1986
7 February 1997 - 27 January 1998
26 January 2009 - 13 February 2010

In general:

Love life, marriage and relationship:

Career and activities:

Popularity and
your social circle:


Predictions for the year of the horse 2014. This year can be considered a good year for the Ox. Man & woman, born in the year of the Ox will have a satisfactory year.

In the love life there will be a lot of movement and positive changes. It's are a good year. In many cases you will be able to join permanently in love with the person of your choice. In a few cases, however, you can finally be separated from the person does not you love. But in any case it will be a very good year for relationships.

In the workplace and in the activities - if you put all - the Ox will be successful. But beware, the professional errors are lurking around the corner.

In your own social circle this double sign is often viewed very positively.

For the health will be a good year. There should be no major problems, if you take care to itself.

A good piece of advice for the Ox:

This year you should focus on your relationships. Then you will have a great success.
Instead, at work, you should reduce your speed.

The Tiger

dates of birth:
13 February 1926 - 1 February 1927
31 January 1938 - 18 February 1939
17 February 1950 - 5 February 1951
5 February 1962 - 24 January 1963
23 January 1974 - 10 February 1975
9 February 1986 - 28 January 1987
28 January 1998 - 15 February 1999
14 February 2010 - 2 February 2011

In general:

Love life, marriage and relationship:

Career and activities:

Popularity and
your social circle:


Predictions for the year of the horse 2014. This year its a excellent year for the Tiger. Only Virgo, Scorpion & Capricorn have some problems.

In the love life only the signs of the earth (Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn) will have serious problems. For the other 9 signs will be an excellent year of love.

In the workplace and in the activities your works often succeed very well.

In your own social circle your appearance will be good up to very good.

For the health unlikely to arise problems.

A good piece of advice for the Tiger:

This year you should focus on your relationship and your workplace. Then you will have a great success.

The Rabbit

dates of birth:
2 February 1927 - 22 January 1928
19 February 1939 - 7 February 1940
6 February 1951 - 26 January 1952
25 January 1963 - 12 February 1964
11 February 1975 - 30 January 1976
29 January 1987 - 16 February 1988
16 February 1999 - 4 February 2000
3 February 2011 - 22 January 2012

In general:

Love life, marriage and relationship:

Career and activities:

Popularity and
your social circle:


Predictions for the year of the horse 2014. This year represents a poor year for the Rabbit. Nevertheless, the elite athletes and warriors will win this year, since they can download their negative energy on the field. But clerks, state officers, workers, artisans etc.. will have to overcome a difficult year.

In the love life this year - the Rabbit - will have a calm and excellent year.

In the workplace and in the activities is a good year for athletes and warriors, but it will be a poor year for employees, workers and artisans.

In your own social circle also emerge problems.

For the health however, it will be an excellent year, where disease subsisting will find their healing.

A good piece of advice for the Rabbit:

Instead, at work, you should reduce your speed and concentrate more on the job. Do not get provoked. Take a step back in your social life and stay calm.

The Dragon

dates of birth:
23 January 1928 - 9 February 1929
8 February 1940 - 26 January 1941
27 January 1952 - 13 February 1953
13 February 1964 - 1 February 1965
31 January 1976 - 17 February 1977
17 February 1988 - 5 February 1989
5 February 2000 - 23 January 2001
23 January 2012 - 9 February 2013

In general:

Love life, marriage and relationship:

Career and activities:

Popularity and
your social circle:


Predictions for the year of the horse 2014. This year its a good year for the Dragon. But nothing great and no big surprises.

In the love life In love life and loving could blow a cold wind. It's up to you to decide, if separate you or save love relationship.

In the workplace and in the activities however there should be no problems.

In your own social circle Your appearance will be good in your social community.

For the health Health could create some problems. But if you take care yourself a bit, you will spend a good year.

A good piece of advice for the Dragon:

This year you should focus on your relationships and your health. Then you will have a great year.

The Snake

dates of birth:
10 February 1929 - 29 January 1930
27 January 1941 - 14 February 1942
14 February 1953 - 2 February 1954
2 February 1965 - 20 January 1966
18 February 1977 - 6 February 1978
6 February 1989 - 26 January 1990
24 January 2001 - 11 February 2002
10 February 2013 - 30 January 2014

In general:

Love life, marriage and relationship:

Career and activities:

Popularity and
your social circle:


Predictions for the year of the horse 2014. The Snake are very successfully this year, if we exclude the Pisces. The others have to purposely look for the failure.

In the love life its a good year with normal problems of relationship. You will definitely reinforce the relationship with the person desired.

In the workplace and in the activities the majority of your work will be successful.

In your own social circle the appearance in your social community will be excellent.

For your health - except Pisces - will be an excellent year.

A good piece of advice for the Snake:

This year you should focus on your workplace and your social circle. Then you will have a very good year.

The Horse

dates of birth:
30 January 1930 - 16 February 1931
15 February 1942 - 4 February 1943
3 February 1954 - 23 January 1955
21 January 1966 - 8 February 1967
7 February 1978 - 27 January 1979
27 January 1990 - 14 February 1991
12 February 2002 - 31 January 2003
31 January 2014 - 18 February 2015

In general:

Love life, marriage and relationship:

Career and activities:

Popularity and
your social circle:


Predictions for the year of the horse 2014. This year its a very good year for the Horse, but the steeplechase must be well prepared. Otherwise the horse will not be able to overcome them all.

For the love life its a good year with normal problems of relationship. The horse and the mare will suffer only a few ailments.

In the workplace and in the activities the majority of your work will be successful.

In your own social circle you will have a satisfactory appearance. This year the applause to you will not be much.

For the health it is a year of normal life, where they should not arise serious problems.

A good piece of advice for the Horse:

This year you should focus on your relationships and your workplace. Then you will have a great year.

The Goat

dates of birth:
17 February 1931 - 5 February 1932
5 February 1943 - 24 January 1944
24 January 1955 - 11 February 1956
9 February 1967 - 29 January 1968
28 January 1979 - 15 February 1980
15 February 1991 - 3 February 1992
1 February 2003 - 21 January 2004
19 February 2015 - 7 February 2016

In general:

Love life, marriage and relationship:

Career and activities:

Popularity and
your social circle:


Predictions for the year of the horse 2014. This year its a good year for the Goat.

For the love life its a good year with normal problems of relationship. There will be no big problems and big changes.

For the workplace and in the activities will be a excellent year. At work can emerge only minor ailments. But there is also plenty to do.

In your own social circle not everything will be fine. You will have to face with the obstacles.

For the health it is a year of normal life, where problems may arise.

A good piece of advice for the Goat:

This year the goat should take a step back into society and take care of herself. Caution to the envious at work!.

The Monkey

dates of birth:
6 February 1932 - 25 January 1933
25 January 1944 - 12 February 1945
12 February 1956 - 30 January 1957
30 January 1968 - 16 February 1969
16 February 1980 - 4 February 1981
4 February 1992 - 22 January 1993
22 January 2004 - 8 February 2005
8 February 2016 - 27 January 2017

In general:

Love life, marriage and relationship:

Career and activities:

Popularity and
your social circle:


Predictions for the year of the horse 2014. This year its a very good year for the Monkey.

In the love life its a very good year with small problems of relationship. It is a year where the monkey will make new interesting datings.

In the workplace and in the activities will be a excellent year. At work can emerge only minor ailments.

In your own social circle the appearance in your social community will be excellent.

For the health - except the Taurus, Gemini, Capricorn and Aquarius - it will be an excellent year in excellent health. For Taurus, Gemini, Capricorn and Aquarius problems may arise.

A good piece of advice for the Monkey:

Try to make a career this year. It will be easier than other years.

The Rooster

dates of birth:
26 January 1933 - 13 February 1934
13 February 1945 - 1 February 1946
31 January 1957 - 17 February 1958
17 February 1969 - 5 February 1970
5 February 1981 - 24 January 1982
23 January 1993 - 9 February 1994
9 February 2005 - 28 January 2006
28 January 2017 - 15 February 2018

In general:

Love life, marriage and relationship:

Career and activities:

Popularity and
your social circle:


Predictions for the year of the horse 2014. The Rooster, during the year of the Horse, will spend a great year.

In the love life there will be a lot of movement. Most of this movement can be considered positive. But of course, your love life will make some somersaults.

In the workplace and in the activities there will be too much to do and in most cases your works succeed satisfactory.

In your own social circle your appearance will be good, but not great.

For the health will be an excellent year where you can (and should) build up power for the next few years.

A good piece of advice for the Rooster:

Prepare yourself well for next year, because it will not be so good. Particularly in health you should do to recharge your batteries.

The Dog

dates of birth:
14 February 1934 - 3 February 1935
2 February 1946 - 21 January 1947
18 February 1958 - 7 February 1959
6 February 1970 - 26 January 1971
25 January 1982 - 12 February 1983
10 February 1994 - 30 January 1995
29 January 2006 - 17 February 2007
16 February 2018 - 4 February 2019

In general:

Love life, marriage and relationship:

Career and activities:

Popularity and
your social circle:


Predictions for the year of the horse 2014. After the previous year, very calm, the year of the Horse will be a year more serious for the dog.

In the love life will be a quiet year and deepening of the relationship with your partner. But there will also be problems to solve.

In the workplace and in the activities For the work will be a year sometimes difficult. Shortly succeed perfectly, but little will turn out really bad.

In your own social circle you will not be admired. Attention to a stabbing in your back.

For the health Except Capricorn will be a great year for health.

A good piece of advice for the Dog:

This year you should focus on your workplace and your social circle. Then you will have a very good year.

The Pig

dates of birth:
4 February 1935 - 23 January 1936
22 January 1947 - 9 February 1948
8 February 1959 - 27 January 1960
27 January 1971 - 14 February 1972
13 February 1983 - 1 February 1984
31 January 1995 - 18 February 1996
18 February 2007 - 6 February 2008
5 February 2019 - 24 January 2020

In general:

Love life, marriage and relationship:

Career and activities:

Popularity and
your social circle:


Predictions for the year of the horse 2014. For the Pig - the year of the Horse - is a good time.

In the love life its a good year with normal problems of relationship. There will be no big problems and big changes.

In the workplace and in the activities will be a satisfactory year. There will be big hits and even large failures.

In your own social circle and community will be well seen. .

For the health will be an excellent year even where it should not happen anything wrong.

A good piece of advice for the Pig:

This year you should focus on your workplace and your love life. Then you will have a excellent year.

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